Alchemy is defined in Websters as, "Medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve transmutation of the base metals into gold; the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means to indefinitely prolong life. A power or process of transforming something common into something special."
The first known alchemists were Egyptian, however there is record of the study of alchemy all over the world. Probably the best known, were the European alchemists searching for the Philosopher's Stone in the 17th century. This stone, once created, could remove impurities from anything, including people. To discover it, would be like finding the fountain of youth. Even Issac Newton was an alchemist. According to his journals, he was fascinated with having power over nature, and studied alchemy, although it became illegal at that time. Authorities were worried about counterfeit of lesser metals, being sold as gold or silver. I have to wonder though, if they were not also concerned about the spirituality of alchemical pursuits not aligning with church doctrine.
Alchemy was not just scientific experiments performed in test tubes. The scientists meditated on the results of an experiment, focusing on colors, and mundane and mystical animals to represent the steps. A discovery that did not include changes to the very soul of a scientist could not be proven. The inner awakenings were as important as the physical results. The steps built on each other, and were documented in a lustrous code of symbols and pictures.
Alchemy was, and still is, a way for humans to seek their place in the universe. Through attention to our spiritual hunger we can be forged, as if anew, in the great cauldron of life. The great alchemists never found the secret to the Philosopher's Stone, but they gave themselves time and space to search into the blackness for a spark of light. They integrated the spiritual and the physical worlds with a sense of wonder and awe. They understood the connections, and the grandeur of infinite possibilities within change.
"Alchemy is truly the art of becoming allied to the full spectrum of life-forms, from mineral to spirit worlds", as defined by the Celtic Philosopher Caitlin Matthews in, Singing the Soul Back Home. What a WOW moment when I read this. My blog name is exactly what I needed and wanted, and I did not even realize it. Life just works that way sometimes. I got an answer, and I did not even know the full breadth of the question.
With humility, and a wish for many more moments like this, I am again - in awe.
Please visit for an unbelievable amount of information on alchemy.
From Museum Hermeticum, Frankfurt, 1625 |
I strongly considered posting about Alchemy, but as I didn't really know anything about it at all, I figured it would take me at least a couple of weeks to gather all the information I wanted and post. A very brave post! I saw that website and I was overwhelmed! lol
ReplyDeleteThank you!! Believe me, I was overwhelmed as well. I had a bit of a time constraint in writing this week, so not much time to digest it all either. :D